Thursday, July 24, 2014

Moving Forward

8am - Breakfast: Hasbrowns, Eggs with Cheese, Sour Cream & Salsa, 1 tortilla shell

4pm - Lunch: 3 Slices of Little Caesar's Pizza

Consumed 62 ounces of Water with Lemon.

Today, I acted like a stone nutcase, and it was my own fault. I reacted to seeing some asshole customer who decided to bring his ignorant self into my place of business, and all I wanted to do was just run and frickin hide. I made the huge mistake of venting my frustrations to his female relative, during which I utilized the tasteful words of pissed & bitch (describing myself). I was quite incensed, and should have just walked away. Whenever I do something incredibly foolish like that, I am faced with the dilemma of making it right by apologizing. The wonderful thing about it is that the two ladies were talking about me/my behaviour, and probably stated that it was a spirit. Either way, I apologized and felt like an idiot. On this morning, before all of the chicanery occurred, I wondered why I was up at 2:45am praying, now I know. Here's the thing that's got me perplexed, why do some people feel the need to spread their misery around and mess with other people? Working in Customer Service I can't retaliate against those who bite me. I want to, believe me I do, but I can't. When will those who come against me, apologize for hurting me? It's days like this that I want to just quit my job and just go to school full time, or better yet, find a better opportunity.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Breakfast: (8am) 1 apple, 2 egg 'n cheese (w/sour cream & cayenne peper) breakfast burritos

Lunch: (1:30pm) 1 Hamburger (w/Spinach, Tomatoes, & Pickles), French Fries... Had Ranch, Ketchup, & Mayo for Dips

Snack: (3:50pm) McDonald's Chocolate Fudge dipped Ice Cream Cone

Dinner: (6:30pm) Spaghetti

Fluid ounces of H2O Orange consumed by 6pm - 64 oz. Today was an interesting day. I woke up this morning, got on the scale & saw that it read 246.7, but then after I performed my morning elimination (ahem!), I saw that the numbers were 240. I don't know if the scale is off or what, all I do know is that I was happy with a 1 pound weight loss, and afterwards seeing 240 made me really ecstatic. After I attended a funeral on today, and had an opportunity to talk with a fellow church member about some stuff, I feel a little tired, but not too tired. Looking forward to starting tomorrow off right, and losing more weight.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Scrambled eggs, Fried Chicken, Hasbrowns


Churches Spicy Fried Chicken Breast, 1 mini-croissant, small bunch of grapes

Monday, July 21, 2014

Getting back on the Proverbial Horse....

I'm getting back on the proverbial horse with the "Naturally Slim" weight management plan. So therefore, I'll be logging what I eat and how much fluid I drink on a daily basis. Monday: July 21, 2014

Breakfast - 8:00a

2 mini Croissants

1 1/2 scrambled eggs (scrambled in Olive Oil & seasoned with Cayenne Pepper)

Snack - 8:30a

1 mini Croissant with 2 scoops of Crunchy Prailine Frozen Yogurt.

Fluids Consumed @ 12noon:

20oz of H2O Orange (1 part water with 7 parts Orange Juice)


Turkey Pasta with 2 Croissants


8 oz cup of cereal (Honey bunches of Oats + cinnamon Granola)

Dinner - 7:30pm

2 pieces of Churches Spicy Chicken, 3 Honey Butter Biscuits, 1 cup of thawed frozen spinach.