Thursday, July 24, 2014

Moving Forward

8am - Breakfast: Hasbrowns, Eggs with Cheese, Sour Cream & Salsa, 1 tortilla shell

4pm - Lunch: 3 Slices of Little Caesar's Pizza

Consumed 62 ounces of Water with Lemon.

Today, I acted like a stone nutcase, and it was my own fault. I reacted to seeing some asshole customer who decided to bring his ignorant self into my place of business, and all I wanted to do was just run and frickin hide. I made the huge mistake of venting my frustrations to his female relative, during which I utilized the tasteful words of pissed & bitch (describing myself). I was quite incensed, and should have just walked away. Whenever I do something incredibly foolish like that, I am faced with the dilemma of making it right by apologizing. The wonderful thing about it is that the two ladies were talking about me/my behaviour, and probably stated that it was a spirit. Either way, I apologized and felt like an idiot. On this morning, before all of the chicanery occurred, I wondered why I was up at 2:45am praying, now I know. Here's the thing that's got me perplexed, why do some people feel the need to spread their misery around and mess with other people? Working in Customer Service I can't retaliate against those who bite me. I want to, believe me I do, but I can't. When will those who come against me, apologize for hurting me? It's days like this that I want to just quit my job and just go to school full time, or better yet, find a better opportunity.

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